by Constance Wrigley-Thomas | Aug 26, 2021 | News
According to the AMC Institute, there are four basic options available for the management of non-profit organizations. They include: Member Volunteers Employed Staff AMC-Supported AMC-Managed Essentient Association Management, a full service AMC would be classified as...
by Constance Wrigley-Thomas | Aug 26, 2021 | News
When Essentient Association Management was founded over sixteen years ago the owner wanted to give it a name that would be unique but meaningful. Essentient is an amalgam of two words – essential and sentient. Es·sen·tial (əˈsen(t)SHəl/) is an adjective that...
by Constance Wrigley-Thomas | Aug 26, 2021 | News
As as Association Management Company we are often faced with professional dilemmas where there are no simple answers or solutions. As association executives, we are committed to always doing the right thing, even when “doing the right thing” might...
by Constance Wrigley-Thomas | Aug 24, 2021 | News
AMC Essentials Why Use an AMC? Allows association leaders to concentrate on policy issues instead of administrative tasks Provides an affordable, high degree of professionalism, management expertise and technology through the concept of shared resources Customizes...
by Constance Wrigley-Thomas | Aug 24, 2021 | News
The article below was prepared by the Canadian Society of Association Executives. It provides a step by step narrative on what to look for when sourcing and selecting an association management company. Selecting an Association Management Company By Bob Hamp While most...
by Constance Wrigley-Thomas | Jul 19, 2021 | Did You Know?, News
In August 2019, Constance Wrigley-Thomas recorded this video for the AMC Institute’s Chapter Training Academy. This well-researched presentation provides a great overview of Canadian associations. Click the image to view.